Schmick Map

is a WPBakery Page Builder element that creates Google Maps markers from custom post types, works best with Impreza and Zephyr WordPress themes. Supports filtering by category. Has bells and whistles and costs only $35/year. Also, this plugin is developer-friendly.

If you have any issues, bug reports, suggestions, or just want to reach me, drop a message via homepage contact form.

  1. Install the plugin
  2. Go to Settings >> General and set Marker post
  3. At Settings >> General set Address custom field, is should hold marker address
  4. At Settings >> General check “Get coordinates on update” box if you want to save marker address as coordinates, it will reduce costs by reducing number of calls to Geocoder API
  5. Add [schmick-map] shortcode to any page to show these markers

To enable filtering use shortcode attributes filter_by=”taxonomy” and set taxonomy attribute to the desired post taxonomy for instance taxonomy=”us_portfolio_category” so the shortcode looks like [schmick-map filter_by=”taxonomy taxonomy=”us_portfolio_category”]

Use the next attributes to change map output

button_style – set an integer value of Impreza button style
api_key – map API key if you want to use different from Theme Options value
zoom – set integer value of initial map zoom